In the following blogs I will explain a little of the work involved to maintain our Eco campsite.
I have separated my blog into sections, starting with the most common misconceptions , in the hope that those people will see how hard my daughter and her team of dedicated volunteers work to make Eco camping an enjoyable, educational and refreshing experience for everyone..
"Basically , just a couple of grassy fields."
Land is precious and needs to be constantly watched and maintained , anyone who thinks it's easy, I can assure you it's not, especially land which is going to be enjoyed by humans not animals. The work entails keeping to a year round timetable without a break, but a lot of laughs.
The soil needs nutrients, we don't use chemical sprays so our regime involves back breaking work, spreading animal compost across the fields which is all done by using wheel barrows and spades. Have you ever tried traipsing across acres of wet mud? Luckily our volunteers have a sense of humor especially when welly boots get sucked down an abyss of soggy clay.

The grass must be allowed to flourish but if let to grow too long it will develop into hard clumps, too short and the natural energy in grass will be depleted, allowing weeds to develop, so topping must be done at just the right time, we don't always get it right but we do try.

To have the grass at its best, ready for the camping season involves accurate timing and a lot of prayers to Apollo for the right combination of rain and sun.
Although against our ethos we do understand that campers want to pitch tents in short grass, so we mow the perimeter of our 6 acres but leave the grass in the centre of our fields longer, allowing people (especially children) to enjoy nature, by walking through fresh grass and wild flowers.

The hedgerows and brambles are carefully clipped back at the bottom but left tall and bushy for the birds and wild life.

Camp fires are encouraged here, it's all part of the out door experience and does no harm to the soil, but all the fire pits have to be scrutinized and cleaned each time a camper leaves.

Most Eco campers are careful but mistakes happen, bottle tops and beer cans,( it never ceases to amaze me just how peaceful nighttimes are with all that booze being consumed.) plastic sweet wrappers, tent pegs and wet wipes are the most common rubbish dropped in the grass and needs to be litter picked several times a day.
For all this hard work it's still a pleasurable and healthy existence, especially so when we see happy faces soaking in the atmosphere during their well earned holidays.

What some people may see on arrival is "two grassy fields", To others they are beautiful meadows of buttercups.